This project was done in collaboration with Christina Shivers for the Atlanta Art on the Beltline Competition.  It was chosen in June 2015 for installation and will be completed by September 2015.

Project Details:
Module | Atlanta Art on the Beltline
Critic | Daniel Berlacken
Location | Atlanta, Georgia
Program | Art Installation 
Project Team | Colin Lienhard, Christina Shivers

Hydra is an aggregation of bent-into-place plastic pieces that come together to form snake-like tentacles.  The installation of these three tentacles will take place under a major overpass on the Atlanta Beltline.  The formation and organization of the pieces are derived from William Morris' Piccadilly wall paper.  There are two options for the installation of the piece, on that spirals within itself and hangs from the top of the overhang and the other snakes in and out of the length of the overpass.  Stay tuned to watch installation and see which option is carried through.

Option 1

Option 1

Option 2

Option 2

Mock up: